Psalm 2:1-6 (again not an official but rather a rough beginner's translation)
Why are the nations and peoples restless? They plot in vain. They will be resisted, the kings of the earth and the rulers. They sit together united against the LORD and His Anointed One. "Let us tear apart their bond and let us cast from us their cords." Sitting in the heavens, we will laugh mockingly at them. Then He will speak to them in His anger and in His rage, he will act quickly. "And I, I will set apart my King upon Zion, my holy mountain."
What a contrast in leadership! One is marked with unity and bond, the other is jealous with division and scheming. But even amidst the plans for God's rule to be thwarted, He responds both quickly and strongly. This psalm gives me great comfort as I survey the landscape of our current political, economic and national structures. There is plotting. There is power-playing. There is perversion. But there sits, very confidently and very attentively, the One and only God who establishes His Son as the perfect ruler over all of His creation. I look forward to the day when the King, who established His throne through service, humility and sacrifice, comes to take His rightful and righteous place here on earth once again. To serve Him under His authority is pure joy and perfect peace.