My purpose as a child of God is to respond to You in love, obedience, gratitude and holiness.
Set apart each of my days with time devoted to our relationship.
Set apart each of my days to declare Your love and faithfulness
Set apart each of my days to declare Your love and faithfulness
Set apart each of my days to confess my disobedience and falling short
Set apart each of my days to give thanks for the good and perfect gifts You give
Set apart each of my days to fight the good fight, battling temptation in the Name of Jesus
Set apart each of my days to worship You reasserting Your incomparable worth
My purpose as a husband and spiritual leader of our household is to love as You loved the Church.
To exhibit Christ’s love to my wife in pursuing her daily with words, touch and affirmation
To exhibit Christ’s love to my wife in speaking honestly and tenderly to her
To exhibit Christ’s love to my wife in being quick to listen and slow to speak
To exhibit Christ’s love to my wife in extending grace quickly and keeping no record
To exhibit Christ’s love to my wife in serving her without being asked
To exhibit Christ’s love to my wife in praying for her needs daily
My purpose as a father to my children is to have compassion on my children.
As You have loved me Father, to always remember my children as a treasure and a gift
As You have loved me Father, to listen to what their little hearts are trying to say
As You have loved me Father, to see discipline as for their good not for my reputation
As You have loved me Father, to speak life-giving words to them as seeds for You to water
As You have loved me Father, to model humility seeking forgiveness when I wrong them
As You have loved me Father, to love them without condition and apart from works
My purpose as a minister of the Gospel is to shine the light of Christ to a darkened world.
So I love, walking securely in your grace and filled with Your all-sufficient love
So I love, remembering I am the chief of sinners yet still perfectly and fully loved in Christ
So I love, extending grace to those desperate for it as well as to those unaware they need it
So I love, praying for humility in seeing others needs as more important than my own
So I love, preaching the Gospel of grace in every circumstance whether spoken or unspoken
So I love, promoting the cause of Christ as one in which I owe my life